Press Releases

Montgomery County Council to Hold Public Hearings on July 26, 2022: Potential County Charter Amendments for the 2022 General Election Ballot

For Immediate Release: Friday, July 15, 2022

The Montgomery County Council will hold public hearings on Tuesday, July 26, 2022 at 1:30 p.m. on the following resolutions regarding ballot questions for the 2022 General Election.

The deadline to sign up to speak is July 25 at 5:00 p.m.

Resolution, Proposed Amendment to County Charter - General Provisions - Conflicting Charter Amendments

The resolution would place on the 2022 General Election Ballot Question A regarding whether to amend Section 507 of the County Charter regarding what happens if, during an election, voters approve two different Charter amendments that conflict with each other and cannot both take effect.

Under current law, neither amendment would take effect in that situation; both amendments would fail. Under the proposed Charter amendment, only the amendment with the highest number of favorable votes would win and amend the County Charter. The other amendment would fail.

This amendment was proposed to the Council by the Charter Review Commission in its 2022 Report.

Resolution, Proposed Amendment to County Charter - County Attorney - Removal Procedures

The Resolution would place on the 2022 General Election Ballot Question B regarding whether to amend Section 213 of the County Charter to require both the County Council and the County Executive to remove the County Attorney. Under current law, only the County Executive may remove the County Attorney.

This Charter amendment would require the Council to consent to the Executive’s removal of the County Attorney. It would also allow the Council to remove the County Attorney with the Executive’s consent.